Another Tradition and Model Family Needed:

For the past several years, I give my kiddos one day around the holidays to make an epic mess. We normally do a messy baking photoshoot prior to Christmas. This year due to multiple factors, the weeks leading up to Christmas were not spent doing the annual things. Instead, our family was in survival mode. I'm living proof that it is totally ok to skip all the extras, the fun traditions, the stress, all of it if that is where your family is at.

Now that the holidays are behind us and things are more settled, I still wanted to give my kids this experience. Adeline and Wesley were more than happy to help out. This was a great excuse to get away from screen time and just play. Sometimes, we really cook and other times, I give them bowls of flour and let them play. This year, they even practiced their egg cracking skills at the end (they love cracking eggs).

I was loving how these looked in black and white and also added lots of grain for a nostalgic feel. Want a similar session with your family? I have an opportunity for you!

The opportunity: This winter/spring, I will be looking for 1 to 2 families who are willing to let me capture a cooking session. This session will be filmed for an educational course that I've been asked to do for photographers. So the family participating would need to be ok with being filmed as well as open to styling.

What I'm looking for:

Model Family 1:

  • Either a family (at least one parent if not both) and more than one child (would prefer at least one child to be 5 or older but flexible on ages) or a grandmother and grandkids.
  • I would love to find a home that has great natural light in the kitchen or a dining area. Being ok with making a mess is a must. (It is totally ok if you don't normally embrace this as long as you are willing for this shoot to do so).
  • Open to styling (including possibly purchasing outfits if needed to fit the vibe)

Model Family 2:

  • Same criteria as above but looking for a family who has a family recipe that they would like to actually cook (pie, cookies, a dinner, breakfast, ice cream -pretty open to the actual food) but for this shoot, we would need a kitchen that gets lots of natural light if cooking on stove etc.

Will make a decision on applicants by the end of January. Looking to shoot in February or early March 2024.

To apply, please message me with a photo of your space and your family. Please feel free to share with family and friends. Model families will receive a gallery of images in exchange for modeling.